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Question about the assigned Guard node flag and whether if this flagged node can still be used as middle node

I would like to know some information before launching my Tor node. If my node is assign as a guard node, can it still be used as a middle node or has it became a permanent guard node?
user14221's user avatar
6 votes
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Will hibernation cause my relay to lose the Guard flag?

My relay's outgoing traffic is limited, so I had to enable accounting. The limit hasn't been reached for a while now and recently my relay received the Guard flag. Will this flag be lost the next time ...
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7 votes
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What, precisely, are the criteria for determining if a relay will be flagged as a guard?

The Tor FAQ's "What are Entry Guards?" entry does not describe the process by which a relay becomes a guard. The word "flag" is not mentioned anywhere in the FAQ index. Arma's "The lifecycle of a ...
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