Linked Questions

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Tor 4.5.3 - obfs4 bridges can't connect to network [duplicate]

I faced a problem when Tor, which used to work for ages at campus of my friend (he updated it regularly), just stopped working one day. I did the following: Downloaded latest Tor at home. Configured ...
Maksim Khaitovich's user avatar
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Tor Doesn't Work Anymore [duplicate]

My college uses the SonicWall firewall to block websites and unauthorized internet connections. I installed Tor 2 months ago and it worked fine. However, I'm trying to connect to the Tor Network (when ...
chosentorture's user avatar
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How can I use Tor from networks whose operators attempt to block Tor use? [duplicate]

How can I use Tor from networks whose operators attempt to block Tor use? For example, I previously used Tor from my school's network to avoid restriction of my Web browsing based on keywords, but ...
Skyler 440's user avatar
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Bootstrapped at 10% for hours [duplicate]

I try to use Vidalia Bundle with certain application. It used to be stuck at 'starting Tor' if I recall correctly. So, I set it as 'run as client only' and added some bridges. Now it's stuck at 10% ...
NeoKyo's user avatar
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Setup for Tor in school network [duplicate]

I'm trying to use TorBrowser in my school network, however it is stuck establishing a connection: Establishing a Tor circuit... This is using the connect option without any custom settings. For ...
Max's user avatar
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Can't connect Tor Network, failed to establish network. connection failed (done - [duplicate]

I'm getting this error and Tor is sticking on 10% then fails with the message 'Can't connect Tor Network, failed to establish network. Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed (done - 46....
DarkMatter's user avatar
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Loading tor browser gets stuck at establishing encrypted directory connection [duplicate]

19-Feb-17 22:09:06 PM.800 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections. 19-Feb-17 22:09:06 PM.800 [NOTICE] ...
michael's user avatar
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Tor is not connecting (how to overcome provider's blocking) [duplicate]

Long story short - I've download Tor and it worked fine for the first time. Day later is not connecting at all. I have tried to run it manually using bridges, but unfo it didnt work either. p.s. ...
Stranger's user avatar
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failed to Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed (done - [duplicate]

1/25/2017 19:14:38 PM.000 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections. 1/25/2017 19:16:12 PM.800 [NOTICE] ...
daveghn's user avatar
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Unable to use Tor [duplicate]

29-Jun-17 9:52:05 AM.400 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections. 29-Jun-17 9:52:05 AM.400 [NOTICE] ...
Arun  's user avatar
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Error Launching Tor while connecting with directory server in Kali Linux [duplicate]

I keep trying to start Tor, but I cannot fully connect to the network. I get to this error, just because it timed out: cameron@kali:~/Desktop/tor-browser_en-US$ ./start-tor-browser Launching Tor ...
user avatar
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Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed (done - [duplicate]

i am using meek amazon transport with https proxy type but unable to connect to tor browser below are the logs 20/01/2017 13:38:59 PM.400 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept ...
user14994's user avatar
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Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection. O/S Windows 7 Pro 64 bit [duplicate]

I have updated Tor to 7.0.7, from 7.0.6. I get the error messages below: 'Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection. Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed (done -
robert's user avatar
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I am a newbie to Tor and don't understand coding. I need help with this error log on Tor [duplicate]

2/7/2017 12:19:59 PM.500 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop 2/7/2017 12:25:07 PM.900 [NOTICE] Closing no-longer-configured Socks listener on 2/7/2017 12:25:...
Jennifer Nester's user avatar
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TOR services are blocked [duplicate]

TOR services are blocked in Egypt by the government. Even this website can't be accessed without vpn. Is there away around this? Thanks.
Anonymous's user avatar

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