Questions tagged [meek]

This tag is to be used for questions about the Meek pluggable transport (e.g. such as how it works of if there is an issue in using it).

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How to connect to my configured personal meek bridge in Tor client?

I have configured a meek client with the following Tor configuration: BridgeRelay 1 ORPort 9001 ExtORPort auto SocksPort 0 ServerTransportListenAddr meek ServerTransportPlugin meek exec /...
li li Polya's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use meek with Tor expert bundle?

I have setup the Tor browser bundle to use meek/bridges, etc... But I am trying to also use meek with the Tor expert bundle (Tor as as service) and I have no idea how to, I have Google and searched ...
anon's user avatar
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Meek bridges in future tails version,super anticiped

I've been searching for such news for years, and the most recent discussion about adding meek bridges in Tails is in 2018, still no answer. the most important issue in China is we can barely use meek ...
MinorityChina's user avatar
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Can't get Meek PT's or IPv6 addresses?

When I visit the BridgeDB I noticed there's no longer an option to select a Meek PT bridge. I also find that whenever I try to get a find bridges with an IPv6 address, I can't get any results no ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Popularity of meek in china

Why pluggable transport meek is so popular in China ? Why not other pluggable transports like obs4, fte ?
torBhakt's user avatar
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using meek bridge programmatic

I am working on a tor launcher using stem.process module. my problem is that when i specify tor to use meek bridge, it stop at bootstrapping part. my config: config = { 'SocksPort': '7000', '...
pouya's user avatar
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Running a meek server (bridge) in Debian

I'm trying to add meek pluggable support to an existing (working) obfs3/4 bridge in Debian 9. Due to the important note in tor trac the second instance is create using '/usr/sbin/tor-instance-create ...
0xdrag0n's user avatar
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How to configure tor browser in Tails to use meek bridges?

I noticed the Tor browser that come with Tails live OS is a bit different than Tor browser bundle for Windows OS. The latter comes with built-in sets of bridges(obfs3, obfs4, meek, etc), while in ...
Annon35's user avatar
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Where can I find meek servers?

There is a maintained list of meek bridges like the others one ? if not where can I find meek servers ?
gest's user avatar
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In China, Meek-azure and Meek-amazon can not be used, the following is the log, how can we use Meek?

2017/2/25 15:31:20.300 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections. 2017/2/25 15:31:30.600 [NOTICE] ...
Ada's user avatar
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Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed (done - [duplicate]

i am using meek amazon transport with https proxy type but unable to connect to tor browser below are the logs 20/01/2017 13:38:59 PM.400 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept ...
user14994's user avatar
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How ToR meek client works?

Before posting, I've already read these suggested links: meek-client .. pluggable transports so my question is not duplicate. Rather it is an extension to that question. Meek client hides your ToR ...
defalt's user avatar
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Establishing an encrypted directory connection failed while trying to connect to Tor via my college's network even with bridges [duplicate]

Till 3 days ago everything was fine, Tor browser 6.0.4 was connecting very well and even Vidalia Tor bundle too. But now, none of them are connecting from any PC through my college network. My ...
Avin's user avatar
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How to install tor meek TP on openwrt flashed router?

I was trying to find out a way to install tor meek on OpenWRT. Can someone tell me how to cross compile the meek client with OpenWRT?
user10620's user avatar
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Identity mismatch, bootstrap doesn't finish

Starting with the new browser bundle, I got an error with the the identities for the bridges. I'm working in a censored network, only meek was going well in the past. Now I got the following error: ...
user9739's user avatar
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Anyway to run a meek bridge on a php hosting?

Is it possible to use a common php hosting to run a meek bridge ?
WonderLand's user avatar