Run your own tor node (it doesn't have to be exit node) and use it as the first hop.
Tor works in the following way - you computer connects to tor node 1, tor node 1 connects to tor node 2, tor node 2 connects to tor node 3, tor node 3 connects to the target web page.
The government can't decrypt the communication, but it knows how much data was transferred between individual nodes. The government could see that the data flow between your computer and tor node 1 correlates with data flow between tor node 3 and the target web page - so it can suspect that you are viewing the target web page.
Now, if you run the first node on your own network, the government can't sniff data flow between your computer and the first tor node, so the above attack doesn't work.
It is essential that you register your tor node in the tor directory - so that other people can connect to it - so that the government doesn't know if the communication coming from your tor node is initiated by you or others.