How do I generate vanity onion addresses of the Tor Rendezvous specification version 3? Scallion does not support it.

Scallion README.md

Scallion was a hobby project to learn OpenCL and RSA. We are not currently maintaining scallion. It has bitrotted in two important ways:

Tor has moved on to v3 Onion addresses, which scallion does not support. Old v2 addresses will stop working in October of 2021. The new spec uses different cryptographic primitives and is overall more complicated.

Types of .onion addresses

v2 onion services

They will always be 16 characters long. Each character has 32 possible values. Therefore, there are 3216 == 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 unique v2 onion addresses.

Example = facebookcorewwwi.onion

  • The address is "the first 80 bits of the SHA-1 of the 1024-bit RSA key"

v3 onion services

They will always be 56 characters long. A v3 address will always end in a d due to the way v3 onion service names are encoded.

Example = vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion

Some reasons for the update to move from v2 onions:

  • The cryptographic building blocks use updated or more secure signature algorithms and hashing methods. For instance, the older SHA1/DH/RSA1024 was swapped with SHA3/ed25519/curve25519.
  • Directory protocol has been improved and now leaks less metadata to directory servers. This is, in part, to avoid attacks where a hidden service can be censored easily based on the descriptor. To prevent predictability Tor uses, different, pseudo random variables. Time period, public keys, shared random values, etc.
  • “Better onion address security against impersonation; more extensible introduction/rendezvous protocol; and a cleaner and more modular codebase.”

2 Answers 2


I've used mkp224o to generate V3 onion addresses.

  • Love mkp224o, been running it all out for a month on my raspberry pi 4. I strongly recomend using a filter list text file if you want to find longer names, then you can be looking for many things at once. My filter has a few hundred ideas in it. 5 character names drop several per hour, each character you add to it takes about 25x longer to find Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 18:59
  • @DavesPlanet I use old AMD Phenom II 1090T (limited to 2 cores), it can found 5 characters onion address in just 1 second. And it can found 6 characters onion address in about 30 seconds.
    – dns
    Commented Jan 17, 2022 at 2:55

After installing mkp224o, use it as: mkp224o -B YOUR_PREFIX

Alternately, you can use tor-v3-vanity for employing GPU to speed up finding addresses.

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