Upon trying to start it I get this:
Mar 04 08:09:00 beeldbox Tor[30025]: No signature found on key certificate
Thing is this was working fine yesterday
I've finally built up enough consensus weight to be used as a relay and really don't want to start over..... Again. I'm trying to transfer to a new server.
Both servers running Ubuntu 18.04. Error reproducible on both
EDIT Removed all the cached certs and that's gone. Now it gets stuck @ Bootstrapping 0% with nothing further in logs.
Mar 04 18:02:54 * Tor[25711]: Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
Mar 04 18:02:54 * Tor[25711]: Starting with guard context "default"
Mar 04 18:02:54 * Tor[25711]: Signaled readiness to systemd
Mar 04 18:02:55 * Tor[25711]: Opening Socks listener on /run/tor/socks
Mar 04 18:02:55 * Tor[25711]: Opened Socks listener on /run/tor/socks
Mar 04 18:02:55 * Tor[25711]: Opening Control listener on /run/tor/control
Mar 04 18:02:55 * Tor[25711]: Opened Control listener on /run/tor/control