I have downloaded the most recent package of the Tor Browser Bundle and I am attempting to verify the signature using gpg. I have imported the key and downloaded the signature file, but when I attempt to verify the signature of the file I get the message "Not enough information to check signature validity." Why did I receive this message?

I am right clicking on the signature file and using the verify command under More GpgEX options. I am naming the torbrowser-install-3.5_en-US.exe file as the signed data.

  • We need a little bit more information. Are you using gpg? If so, what's the exact command you are invoking? Commented Jan 15, 2014 at 12:43
  • What is the exact command to do this in gpg4win? I really have not figured out how to use gpg and want to verify my tor bundle tbb 3.5. is there a graphical way to do this?
    – user985
    Commented Jan 20, 2014 at 7:24

1 Answer 1


You're probably missing the keys for verifying the signature.

Check this page on how to do the verification process.

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