I have a whole bunch of these Bro SSL logs:
ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p version cipher server_name session_id subject issuer_subject not_valid_before not_valid_after last_alert client_subject client_issuer_subject cert_hash
1400549762.341095 CxQQ9A2UpLjNzAkPWf 60327 443 TLSv11 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA www.k5ywywl5lg7xah.com - CN=www.ddhy63tk5szqlp.net CN=www.smszdsv6f.com 1388448000.000000 1409529600.000000 - - - 601ac9c406965863aae95863ef08ae08
1400560864.711898 Cc8n8M385BQ1LVUCY 47728 9001 TLSv11 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA www.psoejykjni.com - CN=www.kevl77x7xltanvj7erf.net CN=www.j4mkawjx2yfsfxpvirx5.com 1372291200.000000 1402876799.000000 - - - aa0ae7dee4dcc97371b37bfc59045e3e
Can anyone explain these connections? They generally last 180-190 seconds. I can't find any documentation on these apparently random domains.
When I first saw these log entries, I thought I had some kind of botnet infection. But I've read that the ports seen (443, 9001, 8181, etc.) are used in Tor. And after I uninstalled the Tor package, I saw no more connections like these.