I want to use Tor as a proxy. Or more specifically reroute my Internet traffic from for example my browser over Tor to change my location.

I found out you can set entry and exit nodes by country if you enter ExitNodes {us} StrictNodes 1 into your torrc file.

I did search on google, but found nothing of use to me. Also, it doesn't matter if Tor runs on another Computer, I just want to reroute traffic.

  • Which os are you using? Have you looked into proxychain?
    – Algo7
    Commented Sep 27, 2020 at 5:19
  • @AvivLo I wanted to use a Linux Based Distro. I'm going to look into proxychain, thank you. Commented Sep 28, 2020 at 11:23

1 Answer 1


There is a tool called torctl which lets you do exactly that. It is written in bash however, so you can only use it on Linux/OSX.

By editing your torrc file, you are able to spoof your location.
e.g. append ExitNodes {us},{ca} to your torrc.

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