I've read http://www.cryptolaw.org/cls2.htm#ru but also Is there a list of illegal Tor areas?.

So I'm kind of confused, do you guys know anything about this matter?


1 Answer 1


I would'nt answer your question. I'll say my opinion:

  • Any Radio jammer
  • Any Tor node
  • Any home brewed encryption

They start watching you.

One of the most famous forum for you to ask your question is www.pgpru.com. There are couple of jurists who could answer you more broadly.

  • Thanks :) That's pretty awesome, do you know any similar website not written in Russian?
    – XCore
    Commented Mar 24, 2014 at 16:26
  • Not written in Russian about Russian legislation? I'm pretty sure, that this guys would answer you on English. Try also, crypto.stackexchange.com as Jens Kubieziel mention. Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 8:28

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