Well, first of all - you need to use SocksPort : - for a greater good! Add the explicit IP address - see the offical manual for further details. This directive with ip+port combo works fine if specified multiple times, but if there's only a port number - it glitches sometimes. It's an old problem, but actually it's not a problem at all: if you're about to open the port for internal usage in your LAN, for example, or in your VPN segment - you do know IP address, and it's static - so there's no problem to just type it in. But - be warned: ther's no user+pass authentication that will check the passwords, so if you are opening TCP port - it is open, the authentication is used only to separate the data streams, no login credentials are actually checked against any backend! Using different login+pass combos for your app has it's uses - it will separate the data streams. But if you need to use a SocksPort without degrading a security - here what you can do:
- If you have all the apps on the single computer - just use
and be about your business. It will not ruin the security - because of the fact that all the apps are on one machine, they are supposed to be already secured and do not need a deeper/stronger isolation from each other.
- If you have your apps on different VM's or on different hosts in LAN - opening just a socksport will degrade securuty. Use
or similar program on both sides to "extend" the filesystem socket through network, i.e. on tor side it works like sock->tcp**+authorization/access-control** - and on the program hosting hosts/VMs it's vice versa
Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!