In response to part a) of your question, you can send Tor a SIGHUP. This won't kill the process, merely cause it to reload its configuration file, and create a new circuit. In your script you could either use `kill` (using `system()`, etc.), in which case you'd need to know the pid of the Tor process you're controlling, or `pkill`, though in the case of the latter, you'd have no way of distinguishing between different Tor processes (if you were running more than one). `kill -SIGHUP <pid_of_tor>` Or: `pkill -SIGHUP tor` This assumes you're on a Linux box. I believe OS X has the similar `-HUP` signal, and I imagine Windows does too. Check the `man` page for more signals that can be handled by the process. With regards to part b) of your question, I don't have any Perl-specific suggestions. If you're open to other scripting languages, have a look at [Stem][1] - a fully featured Python API - or one of the other controller libraries listed on [Stem's FAQ page][2]. **Edit** The following short script has been tested and works with the desired effect of killing an already-running Tor process: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; system('pkill -SIGHUP tor') [1]: [2]: