I found a way to do that on linux:

 - `apt-get install tor`
 - download Multi-TOR from here: `https://github.com/jseidl/Multi-TOR`
 - run `./multi-tor.sh 10` for 10 socks ports (for example)
 - You can use selenium or splinter python (for example) and import socks port
 - put the script on a while or for statement as u wish
 - good luck

<br />

    from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
    import stem.process
    from stem import Signal
    from stem.control import Controller
    from splinter import Browser
    proxyIP = ""
    proxyPort = 9051
    proxy_settings = {"network.proxy.type":1,
        "network.proxy.ssl": proxyIP,
        "network.proxy.ssl_port": proxyPort,
        "network.proxy.socks": proxyIP,
        "network.proxy.socks_port": proxyPort,
        "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns": True,
        "network.proxy.ftp": proxyIP,
        "network.proxy.ftp_port": proxyPort
    display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600))
    browser = Browser('firefox', profile_preferences=proxy_settings)
    browser.visit("http://yourpage url here")