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Non-exit fluctuating guard flag

I'm trying to understand the criteria by which authorities determine their vote for the guard flag in order to elucidate why this flag on my relay is flapping. I see a scattering of information from ...
hygri's user avatar
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Question about the assigned Guard node flag and whether if this flagged node can still be used as middle node

I would like to know some information before launching my Tor node. If my node is assign as a guard node, can it still be used as a middle node or has it became a permanent guard node?
user14221's user avatar
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No guard flag after 3rd month

I am running a Tor relay for 6 Months now. The first 3 months it was easy for me to get the Guard flag. But since then (3 months) (I didn't change the configuartion) only moria1 is voting for Guard. (...
pythonimus's user avatar
6 votes
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Will hibernation cause my relay to lose the Guard flag?

My relay's outgoing traffic is limited, so I had to enable accounting. The limit hasn't been reached for a while now and recently my relay received the Guard flag. Will this flag be lost the next time ...
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What, precisely, are the criteria for determining if a relay will be flagged as a guard?

The Tor FAQ's "What are Entry Guards?" entry does not describe the process by which a relay becomes a guard. The word "flag" is not mentioned anywhere in the FAQ index. Arma's "The lifecycle of a ...
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