Questions tagged [exit-policies]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Tor ExitNodes not working in the torrc?

I'm new to Tor and installed it and torsocks on a fresh ubuntu machine. I've set up and configured the torrc file with the following parameters: ExitNodes A0C59410B9030AC1385C4CA44C8DBFE13AF4BC9B ...
GreenGodot's user avatar
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sanitize using policies.json

I am trying to set up a policies.json file and I can't get the sanitize option to work. I want it to clear download history but that isn't working. It isn't showing up under about:policies and when I ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Does an exit relay also relays non-exit traffic?

I would like to run an exit relay, but I don't want to deal with almost any abuse issues. So I figured to only exit to hidden services. If my understandings are right, the exit policy and the relay ...
noarch's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple ip addresses for tor exit nodes

Is it possible for tor exit nodes, or all nodes to have multiple ip addresses say 2 billion so that they alternate each user request through those ip addresses because presently tor addresses are ...
securitydude5's user avatar
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3 answers

Is denial of service possible by getting the exit node to create another circuit?

Even though circuit length is limited to 8, can an attacker create a circuit of length 8, and then get the exit node to create another circuit of length 8 (get the exit node to be a Tor client)? Then ...
Victor's user avatar
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