According to the logs you've provided - it's 100% clear that problem is in your software setup. To diagnose Tor's problems you should look for two strings to make 101% sure that there's no problem with Tor itself:
6/29/14, 18:24:50.646 [NOTICE] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functionality is working.
6/29/14, 18:24:50.646 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
Fitst one tells you that everything is OK and even without finishing a full bootstrap Tor is able to serve client connections and requests from this very moment. Second one confirms that every bootstrapping and initialization procedure has been completed successfully. If you have these two messages in your Tor log and no further errors in it - the Tor is not to blame in any connection problem, it's working and it's OK. Looks like your AV software or a browser plug-in is interfering with your connection from your local browser instance to your local Tor instance. That's where the problem is in your case. Try to uninstall your AV program - yes, you heared it right. Some AV's are all-the-stuff-in-one now, and even setting it to "Disabled" or "Inactive" state has no full effect described: i.e. local firewall and browsing filter are to blame in your particular case. I've seen it with Kasperskiy's products - you can disable it totally, but it still bugs you. So - try to remove it. If you need it on your host, you need to tune up a firewall, browser filtering and application control parts to trust and enable Tor process and Tor browser executable as well.