I'm wanting to setup an SMTP server for my tor hidden service. I'm assuming doing so would be as simple as setting up a normal email server and just giving its domain name as the hostname for however I've configured the second hidden service, but I haven't been able to find much information online to do with hosting two separate hidden services on the same server and I'm unsure as how to exactly go about setting up a 2nd hidden service on the server I'm already hosting one on. I've noticed that in the /etc/tor/torrc file, it mentions /var/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/ but looking in my own /var/lib/tor/ directory, there doesn't seem to be any other directories there to do with other hidden services.
Do I need to somehow setup an /var/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/ directory? If so, how? Or would it be possible for me to host the email server using the same hostname I already have setup for my onion site?
config - let's take a look! I used to set up QMail working just fine with Tor