From what I've read the onion routing process goes like this:
- The client encrypts its traffic to the destination server and sends it to the first node (encrypted);
- The fird node encrypts it again and then sends it to the seconds node;
- And so on until the decryption process starts (the amount of nodes the traffic goes through and the layers of encryption can vary. i think.)
The last node completely decrypts the traffic and sends it to the destination server unencrypted
The server encrypts its response to the client and sends it to a node and the cycle of encryption and decryption starts again, just like the client did in the beginning
- The client receives the traffic.
My questions are:
Does the server's response reach the client encrypted or unencrypted? Is the cycle exactly the same for the client's request as it is for the server's response?
1.1 If unencrypted, wouldn't my ISP or anyone else be able to spy on me?
Why does the traffic on the last node go to the destination server fully unencrypted? What prevents it from being encrypted?