My router doesn't seem to have enough RAM to hold all Tor connections. My internet's basically dead. Have to use mobile internet :( So I have to limit the connections that Tor makes or the server makes. I don't want to put down the bandwith I have since I want to support Tor as much as possible. Currently my server has 4000 connections on average since 3. January
I researched, tried what I can do but I failed. I had the idea to limit it using iptables, but that didn't seem to work. Here the link: The only difference here is that it limits the connections for the whole server. I would be fine with it. It you add a --dport 35565 (OrPort) you would limit it for Tor only. Add it after --syn. I tried with and without OrPort. Tor does not use UDP so I don't have to limit the UDP connections.
Please help me as quick as you can since my parents are a bit angry about it and if I can't fix it I have to shut down the tor relay.
New: A limit like 15 works. But 2000 doesn't work. Why, iptables????
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 25565 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 15 --connlimit-mask 0 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m connlimit --connlimit-above 2000 --connlimit-mask 0 -j DROP
doesn't work
Using Ubuntu 21.04....