I am using Ubuntu eoan. Here is what I did:

  • Uncommented #HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ and #HiddenServicePort 80 in /etc/tor/torrc
  • Restarted tor service by using sudo service tor restart
  • Ran sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname

After I ran sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname, nano didn't show any text. I also tried this with gedit, and the output was the same. So I opened file explorer and went to /var/lib/tor, and the directory was empty. What did I do wrong and how do I fix this?

  • 1
    Could you look into /var/log/tor/ if there are any files (log, notices.log, etc.)? If so, please open it. Are there any lines which start with WARN? Please edit your question and copy them into the question. They can help to find the issue.
    – Jens Kubieziel
    Apr 14, 2020 at 9:57
  • @JensKubieziel I checked and the directory is empty, but it is a directory Apr 15, 2020 at 8:44
  • Please run sudo journalctl -ef [email protected] and restart Tor (sudo systemctl restart tor). Do you see error messages?
    – Jens Kubieziel
    Apr 15, 2020 at 11:30


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